The Sentinel #1 has arrived!
Isaac Willbanks’ remastered comic finds its home with Epic Fantasy.
This has been a long time coming. My best comic buddy, and Epic Fantasy’s other resident comic mastermind; Isaac Willbanks has brought his written talents to Epic Fantasy with a Big Bang. Story time, so I hope you’re ready.
First Encounter.
The Sentinel is a comic that I discovered when I first met Isaac in the indie side of comics awhile back, long before I really had much of anything created — well, anything of real substance. Isaac and I happened to follow one another just as any other courteous fellow would, and I noticed he had a link to his comic, The Sentinel, in his bio. Of course I had to see what was popping off, so I clicked and into the rabbit hole I went.
After jumping onto the Webtoons site, I read the pages that were posted and was blown away. Both Isaac and Matteo Meloni managed to hit me with great writing and art, making me crave more. Every time they’d post new pages, I’d be at the front of the line. Eventually I made it to his inbox, or he to mine, and we linked up to edit his scripts and I couldn’t be any happier to be a member of this great comic. Isn’t friendship wonderful?
New Beginnings.
After a series of meetings with Isaac, we came to the mutual agreement on The Sentinel’s future. As of now, the series is Epic Fantasy’s first full comic release — that’s right folks, no short issue this time. Not only that, but you can read it for free on both Global Comix and Webtoons! Check out either of the links to read this fantastic work of art.
Global Comix -
Webtoon - https://www.webtoons.comen/challenge/the-sentinel-/list?title_no=786928
Isn’t that a beautiful cover? While you’re enjoying The Sentinel #1, I’ll be hard at work prepping the Kickstarter page to get these bad boys in print. Even better, we are currently optioning out a few printers to ensure we get the best quality possible ahead of time.
Shout Outs
Before we part eats yet again, I’ve got a few projects that I would love see get more attention over on Kickstarter, it’s well worth the time as all the creators have worked hard.
Black Panther meets Invincible in a world where drama, action, and intergalactic coolness collide. I wrote on this stellar project for Wise Acre Comics! Back at the link below.
Project Big Hype Vol.2
PROJECT Big Hype vol. 2 is a manga sized 385 page collection of stories modeled off Shonen Jump. Created by Doug Wood, this awesome anthology comic features a lot of great creators from the indie comics sphere. I managed to edit two great stories in this project from the teams of Frankee White & Minerva Fox and AJ Mason & Ben Humeniuk. Back at the link below!
American Dreams Vol.1
A Jewish immigrant gains powers from a Thomas Edison experiment gone awry. This project will collect the first 5 issues in this titular series from Daniel Kalban. I implore you to jump into this spectacular body of work, so back it at the link.
Heirs of Dim Mak
Street Fighter meets Kill Bill in this martial arts tale of the deadliest woman alive, as her heirs fight for the title of Dim Mak! LA Chavez is a talented writer who manages to make great work, so it would mean the world to me if you backed this project today.
That’s all she wrote! Have a good weekend folks.